Coax Success Stories
Home > Success Stories > Unique Living Overseas Property
Success With Fixed Fees
Unique Living offer a luxury property finding service to help customers unearth their dream home around the world.
Although their customers have set a budget on their property, they also want to know what the costs will be to find the property.
Unique Living saw this as a great opportunity to create a range of Services to give their customer’s visibility and sell property services online. Now their customers can choose what level of service they want, at an agreed price, which is paid upfront – a great result for Unique Living too!
“Productising our property finder service has beneffited both our clients and our business. Our clients understand, upfront, what they will get from Unique Living. We get committment and payment now rather than at the end of the project, which could be many months away.” Serge Cowan, Owner.